COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign
As part of the vaccination plan announced by the Tunisian government, MAHDCO TUNISIE has chosen to play an active role in this national campaign and host its own COVID-19 vaccination campaign on its premises in direct coordination with our occupational health physician, Mrs. Hanem GARGOURI, in full collaboration with the Mahdia Occupational Health Group and the regional directorate of labor inspections and occupational safety in Mahdia.

Throughout Tunisia, businesses face the same challenge. If they ever want to return to normal business operations, mass vaccination of the population is the only way to achieve it. This initiative is already shaping up as a great success, which will accelerate vaccination among the general population and support the efforts of the Tunisian healthcare and social services network.
For MAHDCO TUNISIE, it was not only an opportunity to lend a helping hand but also to ensure that our employees could be vaccinated under the best possible conditions and provide them with a healthy and safe working environment.